ZOOM: Curate Your Sentimental Items

Wednesday, January 56:30—7:30 PMZoom

Throughout your life, you’ve saved items connected to a variety of events, experiences, and people. If you’re decluttering or downsizing, you probably realize that you can’t keep everything but you’re finding it a challenge to decide what to keep and what to release.

I’ll take you through writing activities that will start you on the process of curating your sentimental items so you can better tell the story of your life, highlighting the events and people most meaningful to you, while still making space for your present life and interests. 

Susan McCarthy is a professional organizer at A Less Cluttered Life. She is a member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals. Through their NAPO University, Susan has earned specialist certificates in Residential Organizing, Household Management, Life Transitions, and Workplace Productivity. She can be found at ALessClutteredLife.com.

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